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Pet Food

Well, O.K, so everyone gets a little TIRED...and Hungry.  Bo eats Science Diet which is EXCELLENT for his digestive system and when it comes to DIET.  He WILL eat table food but he decides he doesn't really LIKE Science Diet after he's had table food - I mean, what would you prefer, Filet mignon or what's in the bowl out in the garage - H E L L O... Tarantulas eat crickets, anoles eat crickets and our Dormouse, Neo, eats crickets - O.K, so he doesn't REALLY eat crickets, he is suppose to according to the Pet Store folks - he loves carrots and Sunflower seeds, Guinea Pig food, nuts and grains - I mean come on, he's a MOUSE for crying out loud - YES he eats cheese too.  Go Figure .

Hamster - hamsters will eat almost any grain/seed food given to gerbils, Guinea Pigs or rabbits. They stuff their pouches with whatever they want to store (for later). Nothing takes the place, though, of fresh carrots, sliced in thin strips - they will take it in most any shape though. Limit the amount of lettuce you give your hamster - some lettuce ( three or four pieces the size of a bottle cap) is o.k., my hamster loves lettuce, but the word out is (and I can't refute this) lettuce may cause them some digestive problems. A little is o.k.. Make certain lots of water is available.

Lizards (Anoles) - moths and flies during the summer months, crickets anytime. Live crickets, that is. Make sure a bowl of water is available.

Tarantula - again, moths and crickets. However, most of the time - they don't eat! An adult tarantula can subsist for weeks without eating. Depending on your tarantula, (red rump, red knee, pink toe, blood femur, etc.) they may eat goldfish left in their water dish, a 'pinky' or newborn mouse, mealworms, etc. Be careful! Don't place anything from outside that could've (possibly) been chomping on Diazinon or Sevin dust, or ANY '___cide', it's just not healthy. Make certain a dish of water is available at all times.

Tree Frogs - live moths or crickets.

Tropical fish (Neons) - most store-bought fish food. Tetra -Min comes to mind. they love Brine Shrimp, but it can be costly, and it has to be kept frozen and wrapped sufficiently between feedings.
Betas- the beta (Siamese Fighting fish) should be given beta food, that can be bought specifically for betas

Turtles - Water Turtles will eat most anything that tropical fish eat. In some cases, they may even eat tropical fish. Most pet stores sell food for turtles, but a turtle may eat anything from strawberries to catfish bait! To be certain for the type of turtle, it's best to consult a veterinarian.

Tree Frogs - live moths or crickets.

Here's a list of tricks that Charlie can do:
roll over on his back for a belly-rub
beg, actually pester you to go outside
play dead, ok, so he sleeps a lot
fetch - he will fetch, but he doesn't necessarily bring it back to you
meow when making eye contact
disappear, sometimes for days

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